All hemp products are completely biodegradable and recyclable. Industrial hemp is a reusable resource in all its forms.
Hemp can grow in a wide variety of soil types and climates, it requires no herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, or insecticides. Hemp is its own fertilizer, its own herbicide (it is a weed), and its own pesticide
Using hemp as biomass fuel would also reduce global warming because the hemp energy crop would pull carbon from the air and release an equal amount when burned. Hemp burns with virtually no sulphur emissions or ash, which minimize acid rain caused.
Promoting the growing of industrial hemp vastly reduce the use wood as almost all wood products can be made from hemp, especially paper. Using hemp for paper could substantially reduce deforestation. Products from a hectare of hemp roughly equal to that of
Carpets made from nylon, polyester, and polypropylene contaminate ground water. Hemp carpet is biodegradable and safe for the ground water when it is discarded.
Industrial hemp can replace many petroleum-based products with non-toxic biodegradable organic oil-based products.