Finding a job.
I will not beat about the bush, if you need an income to live and have to get a job, think very carefully before moving to this part of Spain. If you speak good Spanish you might find work, if you don't it can be much more difficult to find a regular job.
The one exception to this is work associated with the building trade. There continues to be a shortage of skills associated with new building and building renovation. This type of employment is paid at Spanish rates and is often of a temporary nature.
Starting and Running a Business
This is much more positive. There is a steady influx of foreign nationals, mainly Brits, into Galera and its surrounding area and this is giving rise to opportunities associated with this strong growth market. Some of these include:
- Building Services. There is a demand for all businesses linked to the building trade, including builders, plumbers and electricians.
Internet based businesses - Good internet access is generally available in towns and villages, with many places having broadband. ADSL is also available in Huescar through Telefonica.
- Immigration Type Services - There is a continuing steady flow of British and other nationalities coming to the area. This means there are opportunities to service those moving into and living in the area.
- Rural Holidays - This area of Spain has magnificent scenery but has, as yet, been largely undiscovered by foreign visitors. Rural tourism, has been growing steadily over the last few years and looks set to continue. To date the vast majoriy of visitors have been Spanish with the UK market totally untapped.
- Care Services - Many people coming to the area are retired. There will be an increasing number of requests for carers while perhaps while people are in hospital or suffering from an illness.
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